Tag Archives: #AprendeConMona

Africa: primates in danger

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New section of our educational section #LearnWithMona in which we show you some of the most endangered primate species of the African continent:

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Gorila golpeándose el pecho

The reason why gorillas beat their chests has been discovered

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The image of a gorilla thumping its chest is one of the most iconic images associated with gorilla behaviour, but what does it mean? The scientific community has set to work and, to find it out, they have studied a dozen social groups of mountain gorillas in Rwanda’s Volcanoes National Park.

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Golden snub-nosed langur

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High in the Qinling Mountains in central China, an agile primate with a peculiar face has conquered a ruthless environment. The golden snub-nosed langur. There are about 20,000 of them left in the world and they are under pressure from logging, human settlement and hunters, who seek them for their meat, bones with supposed medicinal properties and dense fur. As a result, they have had to take refuge at the highest altitudes, where they jump from branch to branch, cross icy rivers and endure the long winters at almost 3,000 metres above sea level. There, when the trees are bare, they subsist on a low-protein diet of lichen and bark.

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