Primatology – Research and Training

Research is one of the tools we can use to strive towards a positive change. Monitoring and studying primates, without interfering with their lives, allows us to better understand their needs, limitations, threats and perils. Based on these insights we can then efficiently prepare and develop strategies to evaluate, protect and support them, both in captivity and the wild.
The Research Department at MONA established 3 main objectives over the years:

Monitoring the primates at the centre; supporting care and rehabilitation efforts.
Caregivers tend to be the ones who know these animals the best, but lack the time to observe them throughout the day. While they witness most key moments such as moving between installations, feeding times, veterinary training or treatment, typically the significantly longer time periods in-between these moments are not being monitored. Researchers and students are filling these gaps and can provide important insights. Thanks to the close collaboration of care givers and observers we obtain a much more objective and complete picture of the animals quality of life and activity and can detect issues before they become problems.

Providing opportunities to gain experience and help train the next generation of primatologists. (Research Volunteer, Internship, Bachelor project, Master project, PhD project)

Creating a research project, formulating an ethogram, conducting observations, analysing the obtained data, interpreting and discussing the results are some of the many tasks a young researcher has to learn and practice if she/he wants to contribute meaningful insights in the future. At MONA we are very eager to welcome students from different countries, universities and disciplines, offering them with the opportunity to gain experience and grow to become a functional member of the scientific community dedicated to use research for the benefit of animal welfare.
If you are interested in gaining experience, participating in ongoing studies or conduct a specific study, please contact us via the following form.

Raising awareness and sharing knowledge, by collaborating, publishing and presenting.
Information sharing and transparency allows the efforts of organisations such as MONA to gain more impact. In the same way as the Rescue & Rehabilitation Department actively shares strategies and protocols regarding husbandry, the Education and Conservation department engages the general public, the Research Department is equally eager to share its findings with the general public, sister organisations and the scientific community, as long as it may benefits to improve the lives of primates in some way.
Publishing our results in scientific journals, presenting insights in conferences and congresses, collaborating with other institutions and research teams allows us to share knowledge and raise awareness, benefiting primate protection and care.
See some of our scientific publications:

  • The only postgraduate and master training in the field of primatology in Spain.
  • Professional teaching team made up of national and international experts specialized in each area. Individualized supervision and tutorship by the coordination and management team.
  • 45 collaborating practice centres in the four continents with primates in the wild, recovery centres, zoos and other research centres and collaborating universities.

For more information visit: Máster en Primatología

Courses in Primatology and other related disciplines.
Our courses are aimed at all those people, students and professionals who wish to obtain a broad understanding of human and non-human primates, primatology and related disciplines and, from a multidisciplinary perspective, to approach the study of primates.
Para más información visita: Campus Virtual.

360º professional training, with real internships and an international primate conservation network that you can join. Get trained with MONA and achieve the job of your dreams:


If you experience problems with the form, contact us at:


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Be part of the solution for these animals today