Tag Archives: #LiberPress16

LiberPress is also MONA

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Yesterday, Wednesday 7th of October, the Fundació MONA team changed the work clothes to attend the gala ceremony of the LiberPress2016 awards.


Team members of Fundació MONA minutes before the start of the awards ceremony LiberPress 2016.

The gala, held at the Auditori de Girona, was full of illusion, nervousness, hope but above all, solidarity and humanity. There were many winners, different organizations and worldwide individuals that we want to congratulate for their daily struggle for the goals achieved and the ones that will be reached.

This was a night of mixed feelings, happy to be together, but not wishing to be, because this would mean the end of the injustices in the world.

Thanks to LiberPress for letting us being part of it. We are so grateful for this recognition which gives us more strength to keep fighting day after day for the protection and welfare of primates.


Be part of the solution for these animals today