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The Hainan gibbon

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Hainan gibbons live only on Hainan island, in the south of China. At first their were considered a subspecie of the Eastern black crested gibbons, but their fur and vocalisations make them unique.

The Hainan gibbon is active during the day, eats almost only fruits, like figues for example. This specie is arboreal and the females give birth to only one offspring every two years!

In the past 45 years, almost 80% of the population has disappeared, due to hunting, habitat lost and also due to the fact that they only live on one island in particular. Curently only 20 mature individuals are still alive. The Hainan Gibbon is the most critically endangered primate of the world with only 25 individuals left living in a 16km² territory ...

When it first was discovered, Hainan gibbons lived throughout the whole of the island, but now the entire population is gathered in a reserve, the Bawangling Nature Reserve. This creates problems of mating, food ressources, impossibility to face a possible natural disaster and so on.

If this specie ceases to exist, it would be the first primate specie to disappear since 1700…

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