Tag Archives: #16marzo2016

International Macaque Day

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This Wednesday the 16th of March we celebrate the first International Macaque’s Day, a great oportunity for them to stop being, once for all, the one forgoten primate.

Did you know that the Barbary macaque is the only primate, except from humans, that can be found in the wild in Europe?

The Barbary macaque populations are decreesing by vast amounts every year… The destruction of their habitat and illegal pet trade are leading this unique species to extinction.

About 300 babies are captured every year, snatched away from their habitat, their home, their family… to be sold illegaly as pets in Europe. However the day will arrive when this baby, obtained on a whim to be a pet, becomes an animal far different from the exemplary pet that they were suposed to be… What are the options now? Abandoning it, or locking it away in a little cage, depriving it from the little social contact you could offer so far, leaving it to a life in solitude with little or no stimulation. This situation forbides them developing the social abilities which are essencial for their physical and mental wellbeing , this can causes some abnormal behaviours to appear as repetitive movements or, in more severe cases, self inflicted agression.

In Fundació MONA we fight daily to rise awareness of the terrible situation the Barbary macaque is facing, and we work tirelessly to offer them the worthy life they were taken from.

Nevertherless, and despite the extreme situation of the specie, the Barbary macaque illegal traffic is increassing.
But you can now help us! Join us on this day and give voice to those who dont have it. We have a commitment to them, and every single act no matter how small is crucial to there survial. Only by working toghether will we be able to avoid the extinction of this wonderful primate species.

And why is it such a unique specie?

Here are some facts about the macaques you might not have know.

Did you know that macaques are one of the few monkeys without tail? A feature generally reserved to great apes…

Did you know Barbary macaques take part in the rearing of there young even though they are not their own? This makes socials bounds stronger between males and youngsters and even between other males, as thier movement helps to create and strenghten the group bounds.

Did tou know Barbary macaque can live at 40ºC during summer months and suport temperatures under zero during the winter?

Are you still dubting on the uniqueness of this specie?

Join us! Put the 16th of March in you calendar and celebrate the Macaque’s International Day by giving them a hand. Join the fight for their conservation, be part of the solution today, and don’t let their extinction be our fault.

Yes, they are small, but they also have rights…


Be part of the solution for these animals today