Category Archives: News

A new study published in the International Journal of Primatology reveals the manual dexterity of chimpanzees

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The groups of chimpanzees living in our rehabilitation centre have revealed new evidence about the use of tools and manual dexterity in our closest relatives. By observing how these primates use branches to extract food from artificial termite mounds, researchers have discovered behaviours that could help us better understand the evolution of our own manual skills.

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Bebé gorila de montaña

Fundació MONA in Johannesburg to promote training and protection of primates

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Fundació MONA has been invited by the Pan-African Sanctuary Alliance (PASA) to participate in its latest annual workshop, titled “Protecting Wild Primates“, reaffirming our commitment to conservation and animal welfare at an international level.

PASA, the largest network of sanctuaries dedicated to the protection, rehabilitation, and release of great apes and monkeys in Africa, organises these seminars as part of its mission to unite global efforts in the fight against poaching, the illegal animal trade, and the abuse of these species. This year’s meeting was held in Johannesburg, South Africa, and brought together the leading African rescue centres, with Fundació MONA being the only non-African organisation invited, an honour that highlights our global commitment to the cause.

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Grandes simios

Meeting of Spanish rescue centres following the announcement of the new law for the protection of great apes.

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Spain’s Ministry of Social Rights has finally announced the start of the draft bill for the Great Apes Law.

The union between the sanctuaries is essential to ensure that the voice of experts in the care and welfare of great apes is heard and considered in the drafting of the new law.

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Máster Primatología imagen

Master’s and Postgraduate Degree in Primatology, 10th Edition

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We are pleased to offer you again the Master in Primatology of the Fundació Universitat de Girona and Fundació MONA.

Enrollment open from 03/06/2024

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Order your Mona chocolate easter cake now!

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Un año más, tenemos la suerte de poder ofrecerte la “mona más mona” de la mano de Jordi Roca, Alejandra Rivas y su equipo de Rocambolesc.

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Technological innovations that change lives

Fundació MThis is the case of the first device for non-invasive electrocardiograms on animals. A project that has been carried out by engineers from the UPC’s Instrumentation, Sensors and Interfaces Group and the MONA Foundation.

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The meeting of EARS, the European Alliance of Rescue Centres and Sanctuaries

Fundació MONA has been the host organisation of this meeting.

Representatives of more than 20 organisations from the main rescue centres and wildlife sanctuaries in Europe have been working together. Representatives of CITES from the Ministry of Ecological Transition and members of SEPRONA have also participated in the meeting with presentations.

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Máster Primatología imagen

Master’s and Postgraduate Degree in Primatology, 10th Edition

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We are very happy to offer you again the Master in Primatology of the Fundació Universitat de Girona and Fundació MONA.

➕  The only postgraduate and master’s degree in the field of primatology in Spain!

➕  Our teaching team is made up of national and international experts specialised in each area.

➕  Personalised monitoring and tutoring by the coordination and management team.

➕  Guidance and mentoring programme for new students.

➕  Teaching by VIDEOCONFERENCE (language: Spanish)

➕  INTERNSHIPS and real RESEARCH work at Fundació MONA and a network of 70 collaborating centres in the 4 continents with primates in the wild, sanctuaries, zoos and other research centres and collaborating universities.

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Curso bienestar animal enriquecimiento ambiental

Course: Animale Welfare and Environmental Enrichment

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Onsite course, 6th edition

In this course, we will explore the different environmental, behavioural and emotional aspects that must be addressed to improve the welfare of captive primates. We will focus on one of the most powerful tools to motivate natural behaviours and alleviate the negative consequences of life in captivity: environmental enrichment.

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Curso veterinaria de primates

Introductory course in primate veterinary medicine

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Online course, 5th edition

Learn from professionals the skills and competencies of a good primate veterinarian.

In collaboration with:


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