Award for the best family initiative

Award for the best family initiative

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Last July were held  the “I Awards Què Fem?” from  La Vanguardia, (#1 read newspaper in Catalonia, 2019).

After 25 years working on the dissemination of culture and leisure, they wanted to present with these awards the innovate initiatives in their areas. They defined 13 categories with three finalists on each one,  and it was the popular vote that chose the winners.

Fundació MONA, with our Chimpatic visits, had the honor of being selected among so many possible options. And we are very proud to have won the award for the best initiative for families!

We’d also like to congratulate the other winners: @sitgesfestival , @cinemesverdibarcelona , @sonarfestival , @sala_apolo , @anticteatre , #menorca, @paradiso_barcelona , @disfrutarbcn , @dewars_es , #lanitdelsmuseus, @lilladiagonal and  @mo_barcelona

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