Primates: our footprint in their world

Primates: our footprint in their world

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On November 24th is the inauguration of the exhibition “Primates: Our footprint in their world”, a project that was created by Joana Duran and Núria Freixes, students of the Master’s Degree in Primatology at the University of Girona & Mona Foundation.

What is the exhibition about?

The general theme is the conservation of the great apes. In this exhibition you can go inside their habitats, see what problems they face and how we can help mitigating them.

During the itinerary, you will find interactive and participatory spaces and you can also enjoy other complementary activities such as guided tours and workshops, conferences, debates and other activities related to primatology and conservation.

More information & contact

Museu de Ciències Naturals de Granollers
Palaudàries, 102
Jardins Antoni Jonch Cuspinera
08402 Granollers



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